
Volume entitled: "Chemistry Lecture Notes"

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Letter from Henry Maudslay to Mr Matthew Murray, Engineer

Drawing of engine house, section of boiler seating and stokehole

Drawing of engine house, cross section

Drawing of treenail and coak making lathe

Mohawk and Hudson Locomotive drawing

An edition of 'The Photogram' journal vol. 2 no. 17

192 photographic prints

Foulsham and Banfield Ltd Collection


Letter from Florence Nightingale to Mrs Clarke

Drawing of Locomotive Engine for the Stockton and Darlington Railway

Railway Signal Volume 3 (1885)

12 items

Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'

Pamphlet entitled ‘A Further Report, on the Intended Rail or Tram Road, from Stockton, by Darlington, to the collieries, with a branch to Yarum [sic]’

Copy plan of machinery for rolling copper and pumping water

Notice entitled ‘To the gentlemen, clergy, merchants and other inhabitants of Stockton and the neighbourhood.’

Drawing of Tender for the Magnet Loco Engine, No. 108 Two end sections showing wheels, axle boxes and brake arrangement, [presumably for new tender-patent drawing]

Plan 27. This was superseded by Drawing 93. Linear arrangement.

2 items

Manuscript maps of the earth projected on a regular dodecahedron and on a regular tetrahedron


Engineering drawing: International Exhibition 1862; Machinery Department; Chimney for Boiler House

1 item

Map of the Horsham Petworth and Midhurst Railway

Long pinions in the position for stepping. Adding wheels and short pinions behind long wheels.

Carriage and racks in sections. Sheet 10.

Sections of framing and racks. Sheet 6.

Reverse motion for cross planing.

Small planing machine. Sheet 1.

Plan of left half of middle group for General Plan 28.

Untitled plan and elevation. Incomplete.

Platform raising apparatus. Sheet 33.

Sheet 1. Successive reduction of three simultaneous equations in three variables to find the solution for one variable.

Sheet 2. Successive reduction of five simultaneous equations in five variables to find the solution for one variable.

Temporary staging

Sketch of a pair of small shears for cutting the edges of copper sheets used for the sheating of ships

Drawing of boilers of 56 Horse engine

Drawings of boiler for 56 Horse steam engine at the Metal Mills, Portsmouth

Plan of iron mill and copper mill showing hammers, boilers and furnaces in the four buildings

Sketch of pickling furnace by Mr Beach

Drawing of large shears from metal mills, as first made

Plan of copper and iron mill buildings showing machinery but not including the furnaces

Copy drawing depicting elevation of machinery for rolling copper and pumping water

Printed article extracted from the Durham County Advertiser

Printed article extracted from the Durham Chronicle

Printed fire insurance policy

Cross-written letter from Miss Smith to Jane Young (nee Hackworth), Vilvorde, Belgium

Grouping arrangement. Abandoned end April 1835.

Method of grouping for the large machine.

Sketches of mill used for arranging operations on the engine of four wheels in each cage from April 1836 - August 1837.

Elevation of arrangement 13 with some of the driving and directive. Elevation includes section of a barrel '65 bands 80 verticals'.

Plan of the left half to middle group for General Plan 28.

Intended for engraving. Shows six barrels with reducing apparatus.